Between the late 1990s to early 2000s, our owner, Bambang Setia Dharma, slowly worked hard on his life goal to return and develop his own business at his hometown, the city of Batu. At the same time, he witnessed that the East Javanese heritage is starting to deplete, consumed by modernism, and will be vanishing in the future.
In 2006, Kampung Lumbung was conceived with the intention to preserve the 'vanishing' East Javanese kampungs (villages) that are now replaced with modern concrete buildings.
He carefully hand-picked and lovingly restored antique Doro Kepak and Joglo (traditional Javanese teak wood houses), Lumbung (traditional rice barn), Kandang Kebo (traditional livestock shed) and its remnants from around East Java. These are historic traditional houses and barns built by the East Javanese natives dating back to the almost 200 years ago and are now replaced by the adoption of brick and masonry in modern building construction. Kampung Lumbung is built based on old East Javanese Kampung spatial philosophy; following the surface of the grounds.
Between 2010 - 2012, our co-partner, family and friends were invited to join the expansion of Kampung Lumbung. Today, a total of 36 restored authentic Javanese houses — consisting of 14 cottages and other functions are set on a sloping hill, situated around the lushly landscaped gardens and shades of greeneries.
Kampung Lumbung’s traditional architecture and its sustainable approaches have inspired locals to adopt similar approach on preserving the Javanese culture in a sustainable way.